Dr. Rabin Shushtri
Jewish laws of marriage and divorce, solutions to the abuse of divorce in Jewish law (Agunot), Jewish medical ethics, and the place of Jewish tradition in Israeli society
Dr. Rabin Shushtri holds a bachelor’s degree in Humanities and Social Science from The Open University of Israel, and was awarded a master’s degree and Ph.D from the Talmud Department of Bar Ilan University. His thesis was titled 'The Textual Tradition of Tractate Sukkah in the Babylonian Talmud', and his doctoral advisor was Professor Mordechai Sabato.
The central themes of Dr. Shushtri's work are textual tradition and editing of Talmudic literature and critical research of the Babylonian Talmud. Since 2008 Dr. Shushtri has been a professor at Bar Ilan University where he teaches the fundamentals Judaism. His course encompasses the Jewish laws of marriage and divorce, solutions to the abuse of divorce in Jewish law (Agunot), Jewish medical ethics, and the place of Jewish tradition in Israeli society. In addition, he teaches a course in the stories and parables of the Talmud.
Dr. Shushtri also holds rabbinic ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and has been teaching at Yeshivat Maale Gilboa since 2006.
Jewish laws of marriage and divorce, solutions to the abuse of divorce in Jewish law (Agunot), Jewish medical ethics, and the place of Jewish tradition in Israeli society
List of publications
"From Agada to Halacha: The Evolution of 'a Mitzvah by Means of a Sin' (Sukkah 29b-30a)", HUCA, 81 (2010), pp. מא-יד(Hebrew)
“Can Two Walk Together, Except They be Agreed? The Yemenite Version of Tractate Sukka and its Relation to Maimonides", JSIJ, 9 (2010), pp. 45-84 (Hebrew)
"‘Shith was pierced to the Deep’, reality or metaphor? – The Talmudic Baraitha and its relation to the Tosefta", HUCA, 82-83 (2011-2012), pp. כז-א (Hebrew)
"Sugyot Which Were Emended Due to the Transition From Oral Study to Written Study", JSIJ, 10 (2012), pp. 45-70 (Hebrew)
"Two Geniza Documents From Chapter Lulav Hagazul: A Testament to the Antiquity of the Western Text", JSIJ, 11 (2012), pp. 1-38 (Hebrew)
"The Mutual Relationship of the Yemeni Manuscripts of Tractate Sukka", OKIMTA, 1 (2013), pp. 195-242 (Hebrew)
"The Unique Place of Codex Munich 95 in the Version Tradition of Tractate Sukka", Alei Sefer, 23 (2013), pp. 5-35 (Hebrew)
"Really Wrong Thatch Joins Thatch Kosher? Proofreading Earlier and Later in the Babylonian Talmud", SIDRA, 27-28 (2013), pp. 293-313
“The Contribution of the Early Sheilta to the Research of the Editing Process of the Tractate Sukka in the Babylonian Talmud”, GINZEI KEDEM, 9 (2013), pp. 183-206 (Hebrew)
"Separating Interpretation from the Text: Identification of Primary Versions”, MICHLOL, 1 (2016), pp. 57-77 (Hebrew)
“Legal and Moral Considerations in the Ownership of Stolen Property”, OKIMTA, 4 (2016), pp. 1-52 (Hebrew)
“Two Genizah copies of BT ‘Yom Hakippurim’ – their identification and primordial character”, GINZEI KEDEM, 13 (2017), pp. 75-170 (Hebrew)
"Giving Kiddushin Money: A study of two baraytot and their Talmudic discussion”, MORESHET ISRAEL, 14 (2017), pp. 67-95 (Hebrew)
"Dating and Divorce Decrees: A Comparison between the Palestinian and Babylonian Talmuds”, JSIJ, 16 (2019), pp. 1-20 (Hebrew)
“The Scope of Pit-like Damages in light of the Sugya of Forfeiting Obstacles in the Palestinian and Babylonian Talmuds”, DINEI ISRAEL, 33 (2020), pp. 323-366 (Hebrew)
“The Mishnah of "A courtyard's dividing-wall which has fallen" (Bava Batra 1:5) and its Interpretation by the Tosefta and Talmud”, MORESHET ISRAEL, 18 (2020), pp. 213-234 (Hebrew)
“The Composition and Orientation of the Opening Section of the First Chapter of Bava Metziah”, NETUIM (forthcoming)
“The Mitzvah of the Shofar: By Body or By Voice?” SIDRAH (forthcoming)
Book Reviews
“Review of ‘Bavli Sanhedrin Chapter Three’ of Mordechai Sabato, NETUIM, 21 (2020), pp. 129-140.
Last Updated Date : 16/01/2025